The stage lights lower, the music starts, whispers in the audience lessen and the dress rehersal is behind them. The campus drama team will perform ‘The Lottery’ on Dec. 11 in Ground Zero. The 45-minute play by David Brainerd presents the downfalls of society that applies to all time.
“This play displays the potential devastation of mindlessly following a tradition,” Tom McEntee, drama teacher, said.
The student actors share this interpretation with their director.
“The play is about how a tradition has turned into a superstition,” Kaley Hernsberger, ’06, said. “It’s pretty inhumane in some points.”
McEntee will be stressing the theme by giving the audience a Bible verse to think on before the play begins.
“See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ” (NIV Co. 2:8).
“This is the first time we’ve ever done a modern secular production but it has a very important message Christians need to hear,” McEntee said. “These characters are enslaved by a tradition that leads to the reoccurring destruction of their community each year.”
McEntee has recognized a few students who have distinguished themselves for this year’s performance.
“Doug DenHartog, ’05, has really impressed me,” McEntee said. “I thought he was just a football player but he’s really proven himself by working hard.”
“We’ve practiced so much, I just have this great feeling about it,” DenHartog said. “It’s been hard trying to keep it serious but I’m looking forward to the audience’s reaction to the irony.”
Other drama members have stepped up to make the Christmas production memorable.
“Chris White’s [’05] efforts have definitely paid off,” McEntee said. “He really works to get into character and has made the decision to create on stage.”
The Lottery will be performed on The Peoples Church Ground Zero stage on Dec. 11 during chapel at 11:15 A.M.
“”I play Horace Martin in The Lottery,”” Tharpe said. “”He doesn’t know whether his traditions are right or wrong. He only wants to keep unity and harmony in his family and is driven by perfection.””
The Lottery will also be performed to a matinee audience when, as an added feature, White and Greg Tharpe, ’04, will perform the Christmas play, “Salt of the Streets,” on Dec. 14 at 3 P.M. in Ground Zero.
“”I’m excited to have such a big cast all together on stage,”” McEntee said. “”I’ts been a challenge, but I believe we can meet success if we finish.””
For more information on the campus drama team, parents and students can contact the high school office at 299-1695, ext. 5.