The thoughts of the world turn once again to hobbits, elves and wizards, as fans around the world anticipate the Dec. 17 release date of the final installment of Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy. The Return of the King, which chronicles the final destruction of the One Ring, is perhaps the most anticipated movie of all time.
“The Lord of the Rings films are the most awesome movies ever created,” Ben Daniels, ’04, said. “They should go down in history. I have high hopes for the last movie, and I can’t wait to see it.”
Since Return of the King is the last movie in the trilogy, excitement for its release is tempered with sadness.
“It’s a bittersweet feeling,” Elise Aydelotte, ’05, said. “I don’t want the series to be over! But, I think it will be a good feeling to have Frodo finally toss the Ring into the fire, destroying evil in Middle Earth.”
For those not familiar with the plotline, The Lord of the Rings trilogy tells the tale of the One Ring and its master, Sauron, who is the personification of evil in Middle Earth. Two hobbits, Frodo and Sam, set out on a quest to destroy the Ring, while their friends, led by the wizard Gandalf and Aragorn, the future king, wage war against Sauron’s forces, hoping to stem the tide of evil.
Each year, the newest installment of the trilogy is shown at midnight in theaters across the nation. This midnight showing attracts Tolkein enthusiasts of all ages, eager for the first possible glimpse of the movie.
This annual midnight showing of Lord of the Rings has become a time-honored tradition among some campus students, who plan late-night parties to celebrate its release.
“I’m really excited about seeing the movie at midnight,” Kyle Gentz, ’05, said. “I love Lord of the Rings, and I’m really looking forward to it. The lack of sleep I’ll get doesn’t bother me in the least; it’s well-worth it.”
However, because the movie opening falls during finals week this year, some students have decided to opt out of the midnight showing, in favor of studying for their tests.
“I’d like to go opening night,” Garret Stipe, ’06, said. “I’m a huge Lord of the Rings fan, and I know all about the history and mythology of the series. However, I don’t think it would be a wise decision to go, in light of finals.”
Many students on campus profess to be Tolkien fans of the highest order, with a long history of Lord of the Rings fanaticism.
“My teacher read me the first Lord of the Rings book in 5th grade,” Aydelotte said. “I was hooked, and I have since read the books many times over. When we go see the movie, my friend and I plan to make Lord of the Rings shirts and wear elf ears. People will think we are weird, but I don’t care.”
Other students, while perhaps less hard-core, still look forward to the opening of this sequel.
“I’m in a lot of suspense to see the next movie,” Jaclyn Blackwell, ’07, said. “I won’t go see it opening week though; I’d rather wait until all the commotion dies down.” The movie opens on Dec. 17 at Edwards Theatre in the Riverpark shopping center.
For more information about Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, visit
Phillip Ocheltree also contributed to this article.