Campus leadership has organized a trip to Caruthers to watch the boys’ basketball team go head to head with the Caruthers Blue Raiders. Following the game, the bus will venture to Edwards Cinema to watch Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. Leadership expects this event to capture the interest of the student body.
“Being a basketball player and an avid reader of the Lord of the Rings trilogy, I think it is a great idea,” Jennifer Schmidt, ’06, said. “For me, it’s the best of both worlds!”
Every student is invited and encouraged to come in what promises to be a fun time for all ages.
“Leadership thought this would be a great event to plan because it mixes sports and entertainment, so there is something for everybody,” Michelle Nachtigall, ’04, said. “We are hoping for a good turn out so the students have fun and get to know each other a little better outside of school. It’s going to be a lot of fun!”
Although the movie, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King made its debut in theatres Dec. 17, many students are eager to see the movie again.
“Lord of the Rings was so awesome,” Maury Turner, ’04, said. “My friends and I will definitely go see it again.”
The total cost of the evening is $10, which covers transportation, entrance to the basketball game and admission to the movies. Sign up in the office by Jan. 7 in order to secure a spot.
“I am totally excited for this event,” Josh Tosland, student leadership adviser and junior varsity girls’ basketball coach, said. “I think Lord of the Rings has some great Christian-based messages and I also think it is going to be an awesome conclusion to a great trilogy.”
For more information on the trip, contact Tosland at 299-1695, ext. 152 or secretary Yoko Kilbourne at ext. 5.