Nearly half the student body went on stage to receive academic recognition during the annual awards chapel, held Jan.8. Most seemed relieved to see the first semester end, and some determined to make a fresh start as they thought about goals for the second semester.
“The first semester went really well for me,” Christie Belden, ’06, said. “I was able to get good grades, so my goal for second semester is to not get any “C’s.”
The first semester flies by for most students, leaving the real challenge ahead in the semester to come.
“The first semester always goes by a lot faster than the second,” Matthew Shattuck, ’07, said. “I want to get straight ?As’ again, and I know I have a lot of work ahead of me to accomplish that.”
While students look upon second semester as a fresh start, teachers view it as an opportunity to expand on ideas established in the first semester.
“Second semester is a chance for all of us teachers to build on our curriculum from the first semester,” Scott Falk, Bible teacher, said. “I really like it because the context of the class is established, and everyone feels more comfortable with each other.”
However, goals and hard work are not the only elements that make up the year’s second half. Upcoming events and spring sports are reasons for excitement among the student body.
“I’m really looking forward to playing baseball,” Victor Cabias, ’05, said. “It’s going to be the highlight of my year.”
Night of the Stars, the annual winter formal scheduled for March 6, is another much-anticipated event on campus.
“I am really looking forward to Night of the Stars,” Karen Tolladay, ’05, said. “I love getting all dressed up and hanging out with my friends as we watch class movies.”
For more information on winter sports, visit” “Jon Endicott, vice principal” “The Jan. 8 awards assembly honored many students for their academic achievements during the first semester. Here, Josh Tosland presents sophomore Tara Albrechtson with a certificate of highest honors. ” “Jon Endicott, vice principal” “English teacher Greg Stobbe is an adamant advocate of academic achievement. Here, he awards junior Andrew Kaiser for reaching high honors GPA for the first semester. ” “Insert text here