In their first time participating in the annual powder puff tournament, the freshman class battled against the seniors, Nov. 21.
Receiver Nicole Hensley, left, and Allison Camden, tight end, worked together to run the ball offensively against their older competitors. While the class of ’09 prevailed as the stronger team at the end of the game, the freshman proved their own skill by taking the lead during the first half.
“Playing powder puff this year was really exciting,” Camden said. “I had a lot of fun playing against the seniors because we almost beat them! I’m looking forward to playing next year and the following years.”
For more coverage of 2008 powder puff, visit the Nov. 25 article, Seniors substantiate powder puff prowess or check out Senior backers, Half-extended Casuga, Sophomores vs. juniors Freshman threat and Root for the freshmen!