In a win-a-date assembly on Dec. 11, four mystery girls competed for a chance to attend Night of the Stars with junior Doug Daniel. Emcees Trevor Bodi, not pictured, and Natalie McCallum, both seniors, monitored questions such as, “If you were a dessert what kind would you be?” and, “What is your opinion on socialized health care?” ? an issue very close to staunch Republican Daniel’s heart.
“I enjoyed being on a ‘game show’ type thing,” Daniel said. “Trevor and Natalie were funny hosts. I thought the fact Scott (Orcutt, ’09) called me on stage and got his phone taken away was funny.”
In the end, Daniel based his answer on the girls’ chipmunk-voice-masked responses to the healthcare question, and chose junior Sydney Ray.
“I was super stoked when Doug chose me to be his date because it was very flattering,” Ray said. “He chose me because of my answer to the fourth question [about healthcare]. I said it both because it was my opinion and I knew that’s what he wanted to hear.”
For more win-a-date information, read Win A Date promotes Sadies, Win a Date round two and The Dating Game.
For more information on Night of the Stars, visit the Dec. 11 article, NOTS deadline presses date-seekers.