Stress runs high and nerves are on edge as campus seniors planning to attend Fresno City College prepare to take the English and math placement test March 29.
“The people from Fresno City are coming next Monday to administer the placement test to us,” Michelle Smith, ’04, said. “I am planning on attending City next year so I need to take the test so they can put me in the right English and math classes.”
There are numerous English classes offered at City College, and for those planning to take classes and then transfer to a UC or CSU the lowest transferable English class is English 1A. Only about 30% of the people who take the test are automatically placed into English 1A without taking a pre-requisite course.
Most students cannot prepare for this test because it is on a know it or do not know basis.
“There really is no way to prepare for this test,” Cale Livingston, ’04, said. “Its either you know it or you do not k now it. Plus I do not want to study for it because I want to get placed in the right classes based on what I already know.”
Following the directions from the person administering the test is one of the essential keys to getting the best grade possible.
“The only advice I can give to students is to listen to the proctor,” Antoinette Nelson, assistant supervisor of assessment, said. “Many of the people who do not listen make errors that hurt you. You must follow the directions.”
Some on campus seniors worry about being placed in a pre-requisite course when they feel they have worked hard during high school and are capable of being in English 1A.
“I really worry that I will be placed in a bone head English class,” Ryan Zuercher, “I have worked during high school and worry that just because I am a bad test taker I will be placed really low.”
Teachers also find it aggravating when students who they have taught score low on the test.
“It is a little discouraging,” Molly Sargent, English teacher, said. “I know with out a doubt we have a good curriculum and we can not make people learn.”
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