In order to demonstrate curriculum applicability and provide entertainment, professional graphic artist Jordan Gravette paid Scott Falk’s computer II class a visit on April 15.
“”In computer II we work on industry standard design software in addition to animation,”” Falk said. “”Jordan is a free lance animator who gave us some tips and displayed his own work.””
Gravette graduated from Whitworth College in Spokane, Washingon, with a degree in graphic arts and has been using his skills as a side business ever since. To the amusement of the class, Gravette played an animation of a Super Mario Bros. game with himself super-imposed as the famous character.
“”It was interesting to see how what we learn in this class can be used as a career,”” Ross Charest, ’05, said. “”The Mario thing was cool, and I’m excited to see what he’s going to bring for us next time.””
According to Falk, as computer II completes their animation unit they will finalize the year’s learning with some creative ideas on how to put their computer knowledge to use in the graphics industry.
Gravette is scheduled to return to campus on April 22 for additional demonstrations. Gravette owns a clothing company called Stuntman Clothing that can be seen at