The fifth annual career fair will take place Friday, April 15. ASVAB, a career exploration program, results will be distributed April 11, giving students a chance to explore future employment opportunities with guest speakers on Friday.
12 guest speakers will arrive Friday featuring an attorney, firefighter, an interior designer, media director, non-profit coordinator and several others. Students were given an option to pick the three that stood out most to them.
Freshman Tatiana Iest is attending her first career fair at Fresno Christian. She looks forward to hearing the information and experience the speakers will share to have a taste of what she will be experiencing personally.
“I signed up for the business adviser, media director, and attorney,” Iest said. “I chose the attorney because I’m planning to have a career in law. Throughout the career fair, I’m hoping to figure out what it feels like to have a career and how it will prepare me for the real world.”
Junior Jeremiah Sieperda can not remember all the specific careers he chose, but hopes that in the future one will stand out and interest him.
“I am going to the business advisor, attorney, and I forget the other one,” Sieperda said. “I hope that I find out something interesting about one of those careers so I can possibly pursue it in the future.”
Students’ classes will be set on half-day schedule, and after lunch attend the career seminars.
Be sure to read Warkentin’s April 8 article, College Corner: Career Exploration.
This writer can be reached via email at Nicole Hudecek or via Twitter @nhudecek16.