Here’s a saying I’m sure every freshmen that took Greg Stobbe’s English class remembers. Something he repeated over and over to us: “Reasons are excuses. Make today a reason for success.”
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Have you ever started a project, only to quit because you don’t feel something is “good enough”? You want to start a YouTube channel but quit because all you have is an iPhone and iMovie and don’t have the best skills. Started writing a story but quit because you couldn’t figure out where it was headed. Had a fantastic idea for a short film, but didn’t have the time, the money, the special effects, the means to do it, so you quit before you started.
Which is better: Making something to the best of your ability, even if it’s not how you picture it, or not making anything at all?
This is something I struggle with myself, and I know other creators do the same thing. It doesn’t matter if you make paintings, movies, stories, sculptures, anything. The inner critic that tells you “you can’t” and encourages apathy or giving up on something will plague anybody, no matter how much experience they have or what’s available to them.
So just…make it anyway. Even if it’s frustrating. Even if the product isn’t what you have in mind. Because there’s growth and improvement in learning how to adapt when creating, to making what you have work. If you don’t create anything, you won’t make progress, you won’t improve. Make it, be proud of it, identify what you like and don’t, and keep creating! Sometimes it’s a good reminder to have, I think. Push through that writer’s block, the thoughts tearing down your ideas. It feels so much better to get it on paper, to get it on film, to make it, than to leave it as a thought and think “I can’t do that.” The only way to get past an obstacle is to start doing things. You got this!
To read more from Frame Rate, check out From video to video game.