Academic adviser plans College Night Workshop, Oct. 2
As I sat down to write the first College Corner article of the 2017-18 school year, I was conflicted about what advice to offer. I could take the encouraging cheerleader approach of ‘You can do it’, ‘Shoot for the stars’ and ‘Don’t let anything stop you from following your dreams’.

But then there is the practical, yet annoying college counselor in my head saying, ‘Use this time wisely’ and ‘Start your college applications early’, ‘You would hate to look back and regret not applying to that UC you have always dreamed of’.
Then it hit me. You don’t need to hear it from me; the people you should glean wisdom from are those students who sat where you are less than a year ago–the same students who dealt with the same thoughts, fears, and pressures you are facing this very moment.
As the class of 2017 was practicing their graduation march down the Peoples Church aisle in May, they weren’t thinking about which college they were going to choose. They weren’t worried about how they were going to pass their AP biology exam, these fears were behind them.
They made it to that momentous day, just as you will. But this will not come without hard work and determination. And for most of you, with a little blood, a lot of sweat, and many more tears. It was on this day that I asked these graduating seniors what advice they would like to bestow upon each of you. And this is what the seniors said….
Julian Castro: “If you have anything fun or exciting that you are thinking about doing, just do it! Enjoy this year because it goes by way too fast!”
Hannah Nale: “Learn to delegate your time, grow spiritually, and start college planning early!”
Jennifer King: “Get your SAT/ACT tests done sooner rather than later. Apply for colleges early if you can!”
Mariana Radoicich: “Give it your all! Don’t wait until the last second to get things done. Don’t miss out on school events!”
As you may notice, these quotes contain a similar theme. None of these students wish they would have stressed more or lost more sleep worrying about the future. But they regret not having spent more time planning for it.
In the words of Winston Churchill, “Let our advance worrying become advance thinking and planning.” Instead of learning the hard way, listen to those who walked before you, ‘Plan ahead, give it your all, and don’t miss out on the opportunities that are right in front of you’.

Also, don’t miss out on the FCS parent/student College Night Workshop, Monday, Oct. 2, from 6:30-8 p.m. in the Jackie Johnson Room on the ground floor of Building 6!
This will be an informative night about ALL things related to college, from the FAFSA and tuition costs to college applications and acceptance rates. It is our hope to demystify the college search and application process. I will also offer a Q & A session at the end of the workshop. Please sign up for the FC College Night Workshop. Your RSVP helps me plan accordingly.
FCS Class of 2018, here is to an amazing year of valuable lessons, memorable experiences, and preparing for the future that God has in store for each of you!
The video below is the final Feather media post of the spring, recapturing memories from the May 2017 graduation in Peoples Church auditorium.
Campus academic advisor Michelle Warkentin writes an occasional column, College Corner, for The Feather Online. She shares college prep advice and offers college counseling in her office. She can be contacted via [email protected]. This is her first article for the 2017-18 school year. Read last year’s final spring post at College Corner: Summer programs. Warkentin also organizes the annual campus college fair.