KSEE24 highlights Eagle win over the Falcons

The Fresno Christian football team shut out Frazier Mountain High School, 52-0, at their home game, Oct. 17. Due to field troubles, Frazier Mountain was unable to host the Eagles therefore moving the game to Thursday night at the FC field.
Thursday’s home sports game activities brought many parents, students and faculty for not only a football game, but volleyball and tennis league finals as well. The student section, known as the ‘Nut House’, represented a black out theme for the game.
KSEE 24 broadcasted some of the football game, capturing senior Blake Burdan’s first two touchdowns. Burdan explains why playing on a Thursday night differed from a usual Friday night game and how he feels about his touchdowns being featured on KSEE 24.
“Playing on a Thursday night affected the team because it took away an extra practice that we could have had,” Burdan said. “One thing I do not like about playing on a Thursday is that I have to go to school the next day instead of sleeping in. I think the team and I played really well considering we had one less day to practice. I scored three touchdowns tonight and the first two were shown on KSEE 24 which was pretty awesome”.
Sports anchor Julia Lopez gives Eagles a shoutout on KSEE sportscast
Check out The Feather’s (@thefeather) Twitter feed as KSEE and CBS47 sports anchor Julia Lopez (@JuliaLopez3) showcases Fresno Christian football on the evening’s sportscast, Oct. 17.
The football team hosts their next game versus Alpaugh High School, Oct. 25, at 7 p.m. The theme for the night is ‘pink out’ in honor of breast cancer awareness month. Leadership will be selling pink out shirts for $10 to support 2009 FC alumnus Tyler Graham’s son, Tristan Graham. Tristan was recently diagnosed with cancer so half of the income from the shirts will go toward the Graham family.
The following Instagram post shows the shirt design and gives more information about the ‘pink out’ night.
For more about FC football, read Football box scores 2019.
For more Feather photos, visit media, photos 2019-20
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