Photojournalist Annabelle Messer aims to connect the Fresno Christian student body by introducing various students in her ‘Get to know you’ series.
Get to know No. 2: The Logan sisters
Get to know sisters, Ashley and Lindsay Logan, Oct. 29. These sisters continue to do life together while only being one year apart. They both are very busy with extracurricular activities including, cheer, tennis, and school productions.
Their favorite thing to do together is either watch Disney or chick flick movies, as well as making up dances and listening to old throwback music. Some of their favorite movies consist of ‘Mamma Mia’, ‘Camp Rock’, and ‘10 Things I hate about you’.
Not only do they like to stay in and watch movies but they also love the beach. When they have time to take a trip to the beach they enjoy shopping, playing golf with their dad and uncle, and trying new foods.
Sophomore Ashley Logan explains her favorite and least favorite traits about her younger sister Lindsay.
“I like how Lindsay will always say what I am thinking in my head,” Ashley said. “She is super witty and funny and she is like my personal stylist. She has great clothes and the best style! My least favorite thing about my sister is that she can be lazy and stubborn sometimes.”
The Logan sisters have many great memories together but their favorites take place during long car rides. While driving to their destination they fill their time making up weird songs and dancing around. Other fond memories include them making up dances and weird videos.
Freshman Lindsay Logan describes her favorite and least favorite traits about her older sister Ashley.
“Lindsay is always there for me when I need a friends,” Lindsay said. “And she can always make me laugh with her dances and songs. My least favorite thing about Lindsay is that she can be bossy and takes my stuff without asking.”
Fun Facts about the Logan sisters:
- Lindsay’s favorite colors are purple and yellow
- Ashley’s favorite colors are turquoise and pink
- Lindsay loves the candy m-n-ms
- Ashley loves the candy skittles
- Lindsay’s birthday is June 23, 2005
- Ashley’s birthday is March 30, 2004
For more on this ‘Get to know’ series check out Meet Nicholas Funk.
For more Feather photos, visit media, photos 2019-20.