Have you ever had a mentor impact your life? This year’s Brother to Brother program begins under new leadership and new partnerships, Oct. 25.
Brother to Brother is a mentoring program established to close the gap between junior high and high school students. Brothers will have on and off campus lunch meetings where they will deepen their relationship with each other and God.
The program was started by Terry Richards in 2010. Richards noticed that the connection between junior high and high school students was weak, so he decided to bring them all together to form a unique bond on campus. Brother to brother is now advised by PE teacher and assistant football coach Mick Fuller.
First year adviser, Fuller invests his time into this program hoping to carry on the legacy that was started by Richards. Fuller shares his expectations for both the middle school and high school brothers.
“It is important for the mentor brother to be a little more mature and have a couple of years of experience in high school,” Fuller said. “For a high school student, it is an opportunity for personal growth and responsibility. My expectations of a little brother would be that they are willing to learn and engage with the mentor. The purpose of the program is to provide friendship, fellowship and mentoring for the junior high boys, to provide servant leadership and compassion and to grow in Godly manhood in the company of other young men .”
A total of 35 students are participating in the on campus club this school year with 16 younger brothers and 19 older.
Brother to brother upcoming meeting dates:
Tuesday, Oct. 29, off-campus lunch.
Tuesday, Nov. 5, on-campus lunch.
Tuesday, Nov. 19, off-campus lunch.
Monday, Dec. 2, on-campus lunch.
Monday, Dec. 9, Christmas Luncheon on-campus.
To learn more about the on campus club ‘Brother to Brother’, read Brother to Brother on-campus.
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