Over 30,000 people flood into downtown Fresno honoring veterans at the 100th annual Fresno Veterans Day Parade, Nov. 11. Fresno’s Veterans Day Parade continues to be the biggest veterans parade in America with thousands of veterans being honored. The parade started at 11:00 a.m. and lasted hours.
Over 2 million veterans live in California and almost 50,000 of those veterans reside in Fresno. This year’s Grand Marshal who is honored at the parade is Daniel Payne. Payne is a retired Marine Corp officer. He was appointed an officer in 1987 and is a very highly decorated veteran. He is also the president of the non-profit parade committee.
To start off the Veterans Day Parade, Payne is honored with encouraging words from fellow friends and colleagues. A moment of silence was given to honor the men and women who gave the sacrifice to fight for the freedom of America, while “Taps” played in the background.
A number of schools band, color guard, and cheer teams had the opportunity to walk the parade and thank the veterans watching on either side of the streets. One of those schools preforming was the Fresno Christian band and color guard teams.
News station, KSEE24 covered the parade live with over four broadcasting stations. The official parade sponsor was Table Mountain Rancheria, a federally recognized tribe of Native American people of the Chuckchansi, Yokuts and Manache tribes located in Fresno, CA.
Be sure to thank all veterans for their sacrifice and bravery.
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