Serve club raises money for the Australia bushfires, Jan. 13. Senior Hannah Garcia founded the serve club to give students an opportunity to serve their community once a month outside of church and the annual serve day. The serve club has nine members and have volunteered at fundraisers, elderly homes, churches, and Operation Christmas Child.
Garcia explains why it is important for high schoolers to serve and what her favorite opportunity.
“I think it is important for high schoolers to serve because as a Christian we are called into the world to help others,” Garcia said. “It is just something I think everyone can do to give back. Our favorite service opportunity was the Operation Christmas Child packing party that we held. We were able to send out 18 boxes.”
This month the serve club will be selling “build your own nachos” with a cookie this Friday at lunch for $6. All the money made will be donated to helping the Australia bushfires. The organization they will be donating to is the “Because we can” program started by Hillsong church. Once donated the money will be divided up into four different areas that need support.
The serve club meets every month in Aubry Foster‘s room and offers a new opportunity for serving each month. Posters are pasted around for reminder. If you are interested in serve club make sure to talk to Hannah Garcia.
Students and adults who want to help with human and animal rehabilitation and treatment can donate money to The Australian Red Cross or The Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital.
Update: After the “build your own” nacho lunch, serve club raised $454 for the Australian bushfires.
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