Robert Foshee’s Economics class begins the annual Econ fair project, Feb. 12. Each group chooses a product to create and sell to Fresno Christian students and faculty. The idea of this project is for the seniors to budget their product and try to make a profit. The Econ fair will be on March 18 in the FC gym during lunch.
The senior class will experience first hand what is it like to be an entrepreneur. Groups of 2-3 work together to create a product and sell to a wide variety of consumers. The students are required to make a prototype, to receive feedback and what works and what doesn’t.
“Students in my class will see what being an entrepreneur is like and the ins and outs of it,” Foshee said. “They will experience what it is like to start a business and create a product in class. Students can see if they enjoy being an entrepreneur and see if that is what they want to get in to. Many people who have graduated have gone on to start their own business.”
Each group will set up a kiosk to sell their product during lunch to FC student, faculty, and parents. The money made will be put into the expenses spent to create the product and advertise. Then, the remaining proceeds are split up between the group members.
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