Fresno Christian athletics have multiple events going on this week, March 2-6.
Monday 2: Boys baseball and girls softball will travel to Sierra high school. Both teams will be playing Sierra high school at 3:30. Golf has a game against Liberty Madera Ranchos at Dragon Golf Club. Their match will start 2 p.m. Tennis, Track and soccer will continue to practice from 3-5. Basketball will practice from 4-6.
Tuesday: Girls soccer will travel to Oakland for their first state playoff game. Their game will be at 4 p.m. against Oakland Tech high school. Boys basketball has a home game at 7 against Calaveras high school. The rest of the current sports will continue to practice.
Wednesday: Golf will be playing Immanuel high school at 2 p.m. (Location TBD). Baseball will travel to Cooper Middle School to play Cooper at 2:45 p.m. Boys tennis travel to Mission Oaks high school to play them at 2 p.m. The rest of the current sports will continue to practice.
Thursday: Girls softball will play Lindsay high school at home at 3:30 p.m. The rest of the current sports will continue to practice.
Friday: Boys tennis will be at the California Classic tournament all day (Location TBD). Baseball has a home game at 3:30 p.m. against Roosevelt high school. The rest of the current sports will continue to practice.
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