‘A Night Under the Stars’ welcomes the Fresno Christian high school body to a memorable night, May 5. Anticipation is high as girls slip into their divine dresses and guys into their sharp suits. The annual event also known as NOTS (Night of the Stars) is hosted this year at Buena Vista Event Center for a night of movie remakes and yard games. The attendees enjoy catered Mexican food, a tribute to Cinco De Mayo. Cornhole, spike ball, Just Dance and the premiering of the NOTS movies created by each grade fill the night’s itinerary.
Cheer and Physical Education coach Hope Villines got to see her students outside of school as a formal chaperone.

“I absolutely loved chaperoning, seeing the kids dressed up was so amazing. I thought the food was great, and the venue was awesome,” Villines said. “I was so impressed with the Freshman decorating committee and what they knocked out at that venue. I loved every minute of it.”
Freshman, Braden Belmont loved his first ever formal experience.
“It was so fun, I definitely enjoyed it. My highlight was probably seeing all of my friends and watching the movies each class made.”
Each grade chose a movie and had two months to write a script, cast, film and edit. Freshmen take on Diney’s Tangled, Sophomores recreate Napoleon Dynamite, Juniors direct their version of Despicable Me, and the Seniors remake the classic Little Rascals. Fresno Christian teachers judge the films under different categories. After watching the films at formal the awards were presented to the recipients.
Awards Presented
Best Casting:
Juniors: Despicable Me
Most Accurate Remake
Sophomore’s Napoleon Dynamite
Best Film Editing
Junior’s Despicable Me: Mia Alberta
Most Comical Scene
Senior’s The Little Rascals: You Are So Beautiful Boat Song
Most Awkward Moment
Sophomore’s Napoleon Dynamite: “Uncle Rico on the Couch”
Best Teacher Cameo
Freshman’s Tangled: Mr. Cantu as Narrator
Best on Screen Moment
Freshman’s Tangled: “I have a Dream Tavern Scene”
Best Supporting Actor
Sophomore’s Napoleon Dynamite: Braxton Bay as Kip
Best Supporting Actress
Senior’s The Little Rascals: Madi Foster as Pickles
Best Actor
Sophomore’s Napoleon Dynamite: Jeremy Renner as Napoleon
Best Actress
Junior’s Despicable Me: Mia Alberta as Agnes
Best Picture:
Junior’s Despicable Me
Congratulations to all the winners, and a big thank you to the people who made this night possible including the FCS leadership team, Buena Vista Event Center and chaperones.
To read more from the Feather check out Senior Reflection: Taylor Beckworth or Senior Lifer: Emma Calderon.