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Gaming Review: Bloons tower defense 6

Gaming Review: Bloons tower defense 6
Meilani Gilmore Young

Bloons tower defense 6 the most popular and recent of the Ninja Kiwi gaming productions clocks in an average of 11,360.6 players. While playing this game, boredom is out of the question. Each of the game maps are unique in their own ways, varying in difficulty with a multitude of ways to complete them.

Players have a selection of 70 maps to choose from. Each map features distinct elements to its terrain as well as long and shorter tracks for bloons to travel on. The game allows players to explore their creativity and versatility with no set method of victory being established. The large number of maps give players options and in some cases more of a challenge. For graphics in this game I would rate them four stars. 

There are about 23 monkey towers with differing abilities and weaponry to devastate the invading bloons, which are balloon-like creatures aiming to infiltrate your monkey village.

The Feather

Towers are separated into 4 categories: military, primary, magic and support. Throughout the game, you will gain access to special heroes who are more powerful than your run of the mill monkeys. Specific powerful heroes support your monkeys, increasing their damage outputs. All heroes level up overtime, unlocking new abilities and increasing their effectiveness in combat. The storyline is not as easy to identify so I give it three stars in this category.

As players level up more towers are accessible which unlock upgrades and some towers eventually evolve into a paragon through a particular process. Paragons are high-powered and very difficult to acquire due to extensive time, money and planning. They are generally used for weekly boss events or late game runs and deal extreme amounts of damage. To learn more about paragons and how to obtain them, click here. In terms of performance and game play the game deserves five stars.   

The bloons, who are enemies, come in a multitude of colors, varieties and sizes. Some bloon types possess the skill to evade detection, resist types of damage and respawn upon being popped. Sometimes players will come across Moab class bloons, which can be compared to zeppelins or blimps. Under the Moab class category, there are variants of Moabs all with individual abilities, health levels, and characteristics. In specific events, boss bloons can be fought and challenged multiple times based on if you lost or if you won and are moving up on the level of difficulty. I give this game five stars for difficulty and five stars overall game value.

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About the Contributor
Noah Geil
Noah Geil, Video Journalist
Noah Geil, 25‘, is a junior at Fresno Christian Schools, Geil works with The Feather at school and this is his first year working with this team. He really enjoys acting whether it’s live or taped. He joined the team to learn more about the art of media. He looks forward to learning more about videography.
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