Fresno Christian athletes continue season after season of impressive achievements, valley championships, state rankings and local buzz. The Go Eagles Podcast brings you a collection of stories and insights into the world of FC Athletics. This is Episode No. 2.

This Go Eagles Podcast combines stories and lessons from the past with past coach and staff member, Chris Schultz, sports photographer Daniel Jessing, aka Bulldog, and the current Athletic Director Jon Penberthy. As winter sports is in full swing, a shared loved for the game of basketball takes center court. From Championship seasons to the challenges of small school coaching, listen in on the stories that helped shaped FC athletics.
Listen here on the Mobile App
To read more about FC athletics visit the Athletics page.
To hear more podcasts visit FC EagleCast, Ep. No.2- Scott Falk or [Podcast] Go Eagles Podcast No. 1
Keep with the FC athletics on their Instagram page.