Pick a card, roll the dice, and solve the mystery at “Family Game Night,” Fresno Christian’s 39th Annual Homecoming, Oct. 7-11. The week’s agenda is filled to the brim with preliminary festivities including creative float building, dress-up days, competitive princess pageants and an epic royal lip-sync battle. These events build anticipation toward Friday night, when the Eagles will face rival team, the Sierra Chieftains, on the football field and the royal court will strut the red carpet during half time. This year, the FC community has made it a priority to fundraise for Central Valley Honor Flight; the nonprofit organization has made it their mission to honor surviving war veterans by flying them to Washington D.C. to see the memorials in person.
As the first day of homecoming draws to a close, students are left anticipating what the rest of the week holds. The 39th Annual Homecoming brings about past traditions, allowing students to partake in various events.
This homecoming, students prepare to dress up in fun outfits and showcase the floats they have built, representing the theme of “Family Game Night.” Games, dress-up days, and a multitude of other activities take place in this action-packed week.

Dress Up Day: Jersey Day
Students come prepared, repping their favorite sports teams for Jersey Day. From football to hockey, various jerseys can be seen throughout the hallways. These dress-up days allow students to be creative within the theme, show off their best outfits and compete against each other by grade for spirit points by participating. Junior Jordyn DeGroot was eager to see how her peers represented their favorite sporting teams.
“I love this day because you get to see people you wouldn’t expect to be a die-hard fan rep a team they love,” DeGroot said. “The rivalries are hilarious because people were genuinely upset that someone would wear their team’s rival jersey.”
Spirit Point Rankings
1st: Seniors with 67% dress up participation.
2nd: Sophomores with 64% dress up participation.
3rd: Freshmen with 53% dress up participation.
4th: Juniors with 46% dress up participation.
Princess Pageant
Student Leadership will host various activities, known as the Princess Pageants, at lunch time throughout the week to promote princess nominees from the freshman, sophomore and junior classes.

Today, the princesses battle it out in a game of Bubble Soccer. Each grade competes against the others in a 3 vs. 3 bracket-style competition, with each princess fighting in bubbles to win by scoring goals and knocking down other players. Tatum McQuown, ‘28, competed in the game as a freshman princess, facing off against candidates from other classes.
“I was really nervous at first, but when I started playing it was actually really fun.” McQuown said. “I loved getting to run into people and watch them get stuck upside down. I would totally do it again, and I can’t wait for the rest of this week.”
Bubble Soccer Podium
1st: Freshmen Princesses
2nd: Sophomores Princesses
3rd: Juniors Princesses

Freshmen Float
Freshmen students have dedicated their time and creativity to assembling the freshman float. Following the game night theme, freshmen chose the family favorite, Monopoly. Spending multiple weekend afternoons working, students have painted, decorated and designed their own representation of the popular game. Bella Johnson, ‘28, contributed many hours to the float’s construction and enjoyed sharing in a timeless tradition.
“The process of working with my peers was great because everybody was so invested and tried their best,” Johnson said. “It was really fun to bring everyone together for such an amazing tradition that I think most have been looking forward to for a while.”
Coming together as a class and putting in substantial effort, the class of 2028 has completed their first float of their high school careers. Through hard work and diligence for this noteworthy tradition, the freshmen are proud to showcase their creation.
Bonfire Rally
After an eventful first day of Homecoming, the day concludes with the annual bonfire rally. Students took part in various activities such as volleyball, spike ball, cornhole and more. The FC Varsity Cheer team performed a stunt spectacular. The bonfire allows peers to bond and participate in games as a community. Junior Caleb Eldridge assisted in the planning of the bonfire, making sure the experience would be enjoyable for all.
“Preparing for the bonfire includes deciding the food, decor and activities that will be included. It can be difficult trying to decide what students will enjoy,” Eldridge said. “The point of the bonfire is to get people excited about homecoming and involved. I am most anticipating the fun activities with friends.”

Being a point of unity for our community, the bonfire is another fun and memorable tradition that has continued throughout the years.
Honor Flight
Throughout the 39th Annual Homecoming week, the Fresno Christian community is working towards raising funds for the nonprofit organization Honor Flight. The money donated will go directly to the Central Valley Honor Flight branch, which flies local veterans to Washington D.C so to visit the memorials dedicated to them free of charge. The Feather has been highlighting individual veterans who had the opportunity to travel on the 29th Central Valley Honor Flight. To read more about their experiences, visit The Feather’s Features Page. To directly donate to Honor Flight, scan the provided QR code.
Come out and cheer on the FC Eagles to a victory this Friday, Oct. 11th at the 39th Annual Homecoming. Gates open at 6 p.m., princess candidates will be introduced at 6:30 p.m., kickoff at 7 p.m. and senior king and queen introductions and the crowning of the 39th Annual Homecoming court winners will be held at halftime.
Tomorrow’s events:
-Dress-up Day: Game of Life
-Princess Pageant: Hungry Hungry Hippos
-Girls Volleyball Freshmen 4 p.m./JV 5 p.m./Varsity 6 p.m. @ Minarets High School
-Girls Tennis 4 p.m. @ Fowler High School
To read more from the Feather, visit PROMO: 39th Annual Homecoming or HONOR FLIGHT: Veteran Jim Palmer