As winter sports begin their seasons, players attend the first practices of the year, Oct. 16.
The first practices help the athletes get back in the swing of things while giving them the opportunity to bond with their teammates. Many FC students are multi sport-athletes, and the fall sports overlap with the winter sports practices. Students who are participating in volleyball, tennis, or football will join their winter sports team once their fall sport is done.
Senior athlete, Max Muñoz shares what he is expecting for this upcoming basketball season.
“I am quite excited for this season because it’s my last season and I have to give it all I got,” Muñoz said. “I’m looking to make this my best season yet and have high expectations for my team. I’m looking forward to growing as a team this year and really make a run for a championship title. I’m also looking to score even more buckets than last year. The difference from last year is that I think we have more chemistry this year. We’ve molded more over the summer as a team and I think we have a good shot at winning a title this year.”
With last years basketball team ending the season first in league, they hope to win this upcoming season as well.
Another fall sport, FC soccer begins conditioning practices. Girls soccer is led by head coach Matt Markarian, coming off of an overall record of 18-6 the team has high hopes for this year. With no seniors lost last year, they are ready to fight this season to bring home the Valley Championship. FC boys soccer is coached by Fresno FC player Ramon Martin Del Campo. The boys record from last season is, 13-7-1, and they hope to get back to last years pace continuing to push themselves.
Make sure to go out and support your Eagles this season!
For the winter sports schedules check out the Fresno Christian athletics calendar.
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