Stay home. Stay connected. Stay healthy.
Fresno Christian Schools officially closed campus March 13 due to the global COVID-19 pandemic and California state shelter-in-place mandates. Amid the times of uncertainty, Fresno Christian staff and students continue to uplift and stay connected, spreading positivity and encouragement.
Though the use of The Feather Instagram stories, teachers share how they are staying occupied at home. Students stay connected by sharing their talents, pets and how they are staying active.
Superintendent Jeremy Brown reminds the community that they will continue to address each issue as they come and keep an open line of communication.
“You guys, we miss you,” Brown said. “In our mission statement at the heart of it is working locally with the church and the home and at no other time than now are we needed to do this because we have a duty and responsibility to work together to raise this generation of world changers.”
Studies from home also continue as students utilize various platforms such as WebEx, Schoology, Powerschool, Google Drive and more as they adjust to the new way of alternative learning. As a reminder, zeros for missing work will be imputed into Powerschool today. However, students are still able to turn in late work for credit.
Stay tuned for updates as school administrators continue to lead the FCS community.
The following video features messages from our leaders and encouraging words from our community.
The author can be reached at: Braden Bell, Instagram and Twitter.
Also, check out, Join the Discussion: Alternative learning at home and Online FCS Auction replaces initial event.