Sophomore Matthew Tacchino hopes to bring the students of Fresno Christian meaningful conversations with students and staff members in a recurring podcast series called EagleCast. Covering issues most teens deal with today along with seeking wisdom and deeper understanding from those who have traversed these roads before. Hope you enjoy this Feather podcast series.
Brian Butler, current Bible and Senior English teacher at Fresno Christian quite literally travels down the mountain to teach here. Butler is a new member of the FC community just joining this year. He imparts his wisdom on Christian Living as well as English. Butler’s personality is humorous and down-to-earth.

Butler mainly instructs upperclassmen. Students appreciate the brief conversations they have with him during check-ins, where he not only remembers little details they’ve shared but also demonstrates a genuine interest in their lives. His ability to make students feel acknowledged and known adds a personal touch to his teaching approach.
Many might be surprised to know that Butler enjoys video games! When asked about how what he does in his free time, Butler said, ”Minecraft, Minecraft is one of my favorite games as far as replayability.”

Listeners can look forward to discovering fascinating tidbits and fun facts about their teachers and peers alike on the podcast. Admired teachers will share their invaluable experiences, while star athletes will provide insights into their respective sports.
Be sure to mark your calendars because a fresh episode will be released soon. This episode is hosted by students Matthew Tacchino as lead host and Editor Chloe McDonald as the guest host of the week.
Mobile App listen here.
To read more features visit FC EagleCast, Episode No.1 – Jacob Cantu or FC EagleCast, Episode No.2 – Scott Falk.
To listen to more from the podcast page.